Sunday, June 29, 2014

Foundation Wall Forms

This week, the foundation contractor returned to setting the wall forms and installing the rebar in the walls.  We are on schedule for inspection and concrete pouring for the walls this coming week. 

Meanwhile, our framing contractor is helping us manage the delays over the past month by pre-cutting our lumber in the lumber company's computerized factory.  The lumber for various wall sections will be arriving cut, bundled and labeled so the framing crew can work quick and make up some time in our schedule. 

We hope that the rainbow over Golden we saw on Friday night bodes well for the upcoming construction activities.

2 Steps Forward. 1 Step Back

Re-do!  That's the story of the past 2 weeks.  Our foundation contractor let us know that the math wasn't working as he set his wall forms.  He was right.  With the help of the surveyors, we discovered that the excavation for one-third of the walls was too shallow.  The excavation company quickly returned, removed the footers already poured, and dug the footer trench deeper.  The footers were reformed and re-poured by that Friday. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Foundation Work Continues

Last week the footers for the foundation were poured.  It brought out more heavy equipment, i.e., concrete trucks and concrete pump.  The walls are being formed and hopefully we will pour their concrete by the end of this week.  The north walls are surprisingly tall but they need to hold back the hillside. This phase seems to be moving slowly so we are hoping the pace quickens once the foundation is completed,

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Foundation Work

It was good to see work on the foundation begin on Wednesday.  Just a small hiccup with the positioning of the rear foundation.  After some quick work by Mark and the foundation crew, the problem was resolved and they started building the forms.  Hopefully, the weather will cooperate so we can move quickly to pouring the concrete.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Soils Test

Work on the house paused last week for a soils test, which we passed with flying colors.  Work on the foundation should begin in the next week or so.

Below is a picture of the low wall the excavator built on the south side of the property with some of the boulders unearthed when digging for the foundation.